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sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012

Convert your Gift Cards to ZP with Openbucks!- A new way to pay using gift cards!

We are pleased to announce a new payment partner: OpenBucks, a payment method designed to help users exchange specific gift cards form various retailers for ZP. Don’t have a credit card or bank account to use online? Just get those gift cards collecting dust in your wallet and convert those specific retail gift cards to ZP with Openbucks! It's that easy!

How to use Gift Cards with Openbucks:
  1. Buy a supported gift card at a retailer near you.
  2. Go to www.z8games.com and login, or create an account for free.
  3. Click Deposit then select Gift Card and then choose "Your Specific Supported Card".
  4. You’ll be taken through the steps to complete the process.

-Z8Games Team

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