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sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

armas boas

                                                Umas das melhores armas do cross fire

sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012

Convert your Gift Cards to ZP with Openbucks!- A new way to pay using gift cards!

We are pleased to announce a new payment partner: OpenBucks, a payment method designed to help users exchange specific gift cards form various retailers for ZP. Don’t have a credit card or bank account to use online? Just get those gift cards collecting dust in your wallet and convert those specific retail gift cards to ZP with Openbucks! It's that easy!

How to use Gift Cards with Openbucks:
  1. Buy a supported gift card at a retailer near you.
  2. Go to www.z8games.com and login, or create an account for free.
  3. Click Deposit then select Gift Card and then choose "Your Specific Supported Card".
  4. You’ll be taken through the steps to complete the process.

-Z8Games Team

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PlaySpan está lhe dando um desconto de 10% sobre ZP! Este cupom é válido até o final de janeiro de 2012! Head over ao Mercado PlaySpan e aprender mais sobre a sua promoção com desconto por clicando aqui. Existem algumas restrições menores por isso não deixe de ler todas as regras! O Cupom expira 31 de janeiro às 11:59 pm PST 2012.




Soldados atenção! Invasion é iminente! Programa Commando Activated! Você está disposto a se juntar às fileiras Commando e lutar pelo futuro da Terra? jogar Cross Fire em 28 de janeiro e 29 de janeiro e ganhar engrenagem livre para o seu soldado Cross Fire! Ver página do evento para todos os os detalhes clicando aqui. Prepare-se para a invasão! O Commandos vai precisar de toda ajuda que pode começar a batalha se aproximando nossosvisitantes das estrelas

domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

vaja abaixo







This is the Cross Fire Lobby Screen. You can select a server and a
channel to play the game. You can select a waiting room or an available room for quick play.
Tip. You can enter a game immediately by joining a room that is not full.
01. This is for server and channel display which allows you to check your location when you communicate with friends or clan members.

02. This is a list of rooms you can join. Unless there is a notice of ‘Not Allowed’ or ‘Private Room’, you can join any room.

03. To create a room, click the [New Room] button and enter a waiting room. Select the [quick play] button or chose a game room, then select [Join] ordouble click the right mouse button to enter a game immediately.

04. This is a chat window. You can communicate with a fellow clan member or another person on the waiting list.

05. You can select three methods of chat: whisper, clan, or regular chat.

06. You can see your room info at the room list “Location 2

07. You can see other players, friends and fellow clan members on the waiting list.

08. Store: Here you can buy weapons, characters, and other items. Inventory:You can collect characters, bags, weapons, and equipment.

09. Return: Back to the previous screen
Friends list: You can add/delete your friends or rich list
Options: Access various game options
Game Over: End the game